Four frames with the words where and how written on them.

I focus on improving the content and structure of your text. My primary goal is to help your writing have a clear focus and ensure that the elements, such as sentences and style, make sense. Good developmental editing will bear your target audience in mind and assess your work in relation to industry standards and expectations (i.e., APA standard versus Chicago for publication standards).

For academic articles, I research and check the strength and logic of any arguments you may make. I fact-check peer-reviewed articles and cited text, noting the quality and accuracy of the sources. I also make sure the writing aligns with the target audience’s expectations for the book’s genre.

Because of my focus on wider story elements, this type of editing does not address sentence-level errors such as punctuation and grammar. However, once your manuscript has been revised, reshaped, and developed, it will be ready for “official” proofreading.

Contact me today for a free 30-minute conversation to discuss your needs and explore ways to write together.

“Nancy Eichhorn edited the manuscript of my book, In the Garden of Love and Loss: A Year Long Spiritual Guide Through Grief. Nancy from California and me from New York kept regular ongoing contact and conversation around the shaping of this book. I would write and send my manuscript, and so quickly would it return to me with keen responses and suggestions for changes, and additions, always right on and sensitive to the writer in me and where I wanted to take the manuscript.

I have the deepest appreciation of Nancy’s skillful reading and editing and suggestions for turning an idea, a phrase, or a direction of the book.  The sense of support and respect she imparted was instrumental in my shaping the fine book it turned out to be.

Nancy is a most devoted partner on the writing journey.  I am so grateful to her for both her incredible mastery and her kindness and humanity.”

Judith Schmidt PhD
Co-Director of the Center for Intentional Living  

A woman with white hair smiling for the camera.