A pair of glasses sitting on top of a book.

Whether you are writing an academic article for a peer-reviewed journal or a creative nonfiction book, writers at every level benefit from guidance to refine their work.

My approach starts by developing an attuned, authentic relationship with you and your text. I offer a unique interpersonal, ‘relational’, embodied learning style to help you listen to your inner bodily wisdom. When you write from your body—your lived and felt emotional and physical experiences—you notice where and how your words arrive and how they want to be expressed.

We all benefit by having someone to walk alongside us as we cross a blank page, to help us listen to the voices deep within. I offer an ear to listen and a clear path forward.

When we write together, we focus on the issues that are most important to you—your needs are the center of our work. Step-by-step, we plan achievable writing outcomes. First and foremost, I focus on your strengths. Then I offer suggestions to explore your story as it develops and encouragement to engage in your writing process. You will also have access to skills and practical resources to help you excel as a writer and elevate your text to its rightful place in the current literature.

REM offers writers one-to-one access to

⦁ A writer who possesses an editor’s knowledge of the art and science of writing
⦁ An experienced teacher
⦁ A mentor’s understanding of interpersonal relationships
⦁ A mindful approach resulting in greater clarity and presence on the page
⦁ Assistance in developing your technique
⦁ Time to review your manuscript and offer a detailed evaluation and plan of action
⦁ Guidance so you can revise, edit, and shape your manuscript


Professional REM outcomes include full-length, well-crafted articles that:
⦁ contribute to the literature
⦁ engage and educate an audience
⦁ conform to submission guidelines (APA and Chicago style)

Personal REM outcomes include:
⦁ The ability to write with confidence and purpose
⦁ A sustainable writing practice
⦁ Trust in your voice and the words and images that flow from your subconscious mind
⦁ Experiencing a felt sense of writing mastery

Contact me today for a free 30-minute conversation to discuss your needs and explore ways to write together.